Hi again!

Did you get a chance to try some of the tips and techniques to photograph your black dog? How did it go? Feel free to leave a comment in last weeks blog post or even below on this post.
Today we are going to talk about how to photograph energetic fur babies. This can include puppies that just won’t stay still, breeds that are ‘energized’ and are always wanting to play, older dogs that won’t sit still and walk away from you…and any dog in-between that is fast and playful.
You know, dogs are just like children. They love to play, goof around, explore, and just don’t want to sit and stay in one spot. LOL…they are so much fun.

So here are my top 5 tips for photographing your energetic dogs.
- Firstly, it helps if you put your camera on action mode or burst mode. Each camera is different so check your user guide to determine which setting your camera should be on for moving objects. For DSLR users, use Continuous AF-C (Nikon) or AI Servo (Canon), on Center Point Focus.
- Take your dog outside so that there is a lot of space to move around in. And place the sun behind you! This allows as much sun to hit your dog, allowing your camera to see and grab focus.
- When playing, have your dog run towards you. You camera can react and track your dog easier when it’s moving towards you.
- If your dog is running across the screen (does that make sense) you have to ‘Pan With’ your dog. So focus on the dog and move with it as it runs, clicking as you go.
- And my favourite tip…get down on your belly and photograph at your dog’s level. You will love this plus you often get ‘kisses’ when your dog reaches you.

Pawfect! Okay, now it’s your turn to go have fun photographing your dog playing. Grab a tennis ball, frisbee, or something your dog loves to chase and head outside and have fun. Don’t forget to report back to me and let me know how it goes in the comments below. I always welcome pictures too.

Next, I am preparing a Blog post that is all about getting your dog to look at the camera. This is often a struggle with dogs who are distracted, annoyed at having camera in their face, or just don’t care 😉
P.S. if you missed last week’s blog post that started off this mini series, head over to my blog page to read and learn how to photograph a black dog.